Shoe Tree Brewing Company
The Shoe Tree Brewing Company in Carson City NV, is owned by brewmaster Greg Pederson. He and his wife, Ellen, started the business back in 1998. In this article, we’ll learn what’s so great about the Shoe Tree brand, as well as how they make their beer. There are a lot of great places to get good beer, but few have the history of the Shoe Tree. As far as their history, they were started by a young couple who happened to live just down the street from an area called Emerald Isle. They made and distributed their brews there.
They started by only making small batches, then as demand increased, they started creating larger sets as well. The Shoe Tree brewing company currently produces around eight core beers, four seasonal beers, two sours, and one pumpkin ale. Of course, all these are packaged in glass bottles for better display. You can also find them in cans, although most cans carry the ” Pumpkin” logo, which is their trademark. Of course, it depends on what comes to market first.
These core beers are all based on a base of German hops, primarily Mosaic. Other ingredients include German malt, yeast, clove, cinnamon, lemon peel, and several other specialty ingredients. Each of them has its unique taste. Some are best served cold, some are best mixed with other ingredients, and some are best straight from the bottle.
They have two main beers that are available in cans and a soured beer. Although there isn’t a shortage of space, because they have such a large selection, they always seem to have room for at least one more can. This is because there is always a new can that they try that sells very well. The soured beer is available in six-packs and 12-packs. The prices vary depending on what the package includes.
Many different limited-release brews come out from The Shoo Tree brewing company in Carson City. They even have a “soil series” where the owner of the company will pour a small amount of the beer onto a wheat bill and then taste it to determine if it will fit into a series of colors. You will then get a color that represents the different brews. (The “Soil #1” is barley grass, the “Soil #2” is citrus grass, the “Soil #3” is wheatgrass).
The bottles themselves are pretty adorable as well. They are labeled according to the specific brew that is contained within the bottle. For instance, the labels do not say “brewed with wheat,” but rather “made with German hops.” They even offer custom labels to those customers who want them. If you’re going to see all of their options for bottles and other products, you can visit their website.
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