Why is mold testing important?
Mold testing is necessary because of the following reasons.
– Mold infestation of a home can be hazardous to the occupants’ health.
– When mold is present inside a building, it’s necessary to do some testing as part of an overall evaluation and investigation process on the property.
– Low levels of mold growth on surfaces may cause no apparent signs or symptoms; however, molds produce allergens and irritants regularly. It’s important not to disturb any unusual patches (or discolorations) on the surface and leave it alone until a professional service provider can identify them.
– The article goes on to say that there are times when you should call for help without hesitation: if you see any visible mold growths, if you notice musty odors or moisture stains, if you see water leaks under sinks, in ceilings, or on floors. If there are any visible signs of mold growth, it is essential to act immediately and call an expert for help.
– The EPA recommends people who suspect they have a mold problem call an experienced professional even if there’s no visible evidence of a problem (for example, if someone has respiratory problems but no visible mold growth).
– Doctor answers some questions that may be on the mind of anyone dealing with this situation:
– What can I do about indoor molds? Can I kill them myself? Can I test my house for mold myself? Do HEPA air cleaners work?
Do I need to get my house tested for mold? How much does mold testing cost? How can I find a reputable company to try and remove mold from my home?
– Doctor says it’s always a good idea to ask a doctor about any symptoms you may have. He gives some information on the types of symptoms that can appear in people who have been exposed to molds:
– Respiratory problems, including nasal stuffiness, wheezing, shortness of breath, and asthma attacks.
– Skin rashes such as eczema or psoriasis.
– Irritated eyes shiners; red shiners; bloodshot eyes; loss of eyelashes.
– Neurological symptoms such as dizziness, memory loss, and mental fogginess.
– Loss of sense of smell
– Headaches
Acute toxic encephalopathy (unusual psychiatric problems)
– Mold can cause non-respiratory symptoms associated with exposure, but these reactions are much less common than the respiratory problems noted above. This could happen if you have an allergy to mold or mildew. Some people develop chronic sinusitis, asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, irritant-induced asthma, etc. These types of allergies are unusual compared to allergic reactions to dust mites or pollen.
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